Jason Robinson’s Coworking Revolution: Embracing Technology for Operational Excellence

Meet Jason Robinson

Jason Robinson, an experienced technologist turned coworking space innovator, has seamlessly integrated advanced technology solutions into his coworking venture, Railside. His background as a system administration in enterprise environments and founder of the MSP IntegriTech, coupled with his passion for creating flexible, tech-driven work environments, has positioned Railside as a beacon of innovation and community service. In a recent conversation, Jason shares insights into his journey, the challenges opening a coworking space entail, and how solutions like ezeep have played a pivotal role in enhancing his coworking space. 

Jason Robinson, a tech expert turned coworking space founder, shares how the proper technology is critical to establishing a flexible and scalable coworking space.

The Need for Tech-Savvy Coworking Spaces

The coworking industry is rapidly evolving, driven by the increasing demand for flexible office spaces that cater to diverse professional needs. Located in Lowell, AR just 20 minutes from Walmart Global Headquarters, Railside caters to the demand of business traffic the region continually receives. As more corporations and individuals seek coworking solutions, the importance of robust, user-friendly technology cannot be overstated. Coworking spaces that prioritize seamless technology integration and user-friendly systems can profit from such not only through monetizing on technology services offered, yet additionally through attracting a more enterprise clientele with a secure environment, and augmenting the member experience for customers. Jason Robinson’s Railside, built on his Smart Spaces platform, is a prime example of this trend, setting a new standard for tech-enabled coworking environments. 

Smart Spaces Is the Foundation of Railside

Smart Spaces integrates advanced technologies to streamline operations and enhance user experience while aiming to eliminate inefficiencies caused by disjointed systems common in coworking spaces. 
Jason Robinson and his team leverage their extensive IT backgrounds to engineer interconnected essential services. This includes everything from tech enabled conference rooms, redundant internet, and keyless app-based locks for 24/7 access. 

Central to Smart Spaces’ philosophy is blending technology with human-centric design to focus on member satisfaction and operational efficiency but also the alignment with each space’s community through style and ambiance. The team aims to make premium coworking experiences accessible with technology as an enabler, not a barrier. 

ezeep’s Role in Railside’s Success

A tenet of Railside’s technological prowess is the Smart Spaces platform of which ezeep is a core partner.  
ezeep is a cloud-based printing solution that has transformed the printing experience for its members. Jason highlighted the importance of making technology “Fisher Price simple,” a philosophy instilled by his former CTO. This approach ensures that all tech systems operate seamlessly behind the scenes, allowing users to focus on their work without technical distractions, and ezeep’s technology applies the principle effectively with providing: 

  • Effortless Printing: ezeep’s cloud printing technology allows Railside members to print from any device, anywhere in the coworking space. By simply scanning a QR code, users can send documents to any printer within the network, eliminating the need for complex configurations or IT support. 
  • Enhanced Security: Security is a top priority at Railside. ezeep’s robust authentication and secure printing features ensure that sensitive documents are protected, meeting the compliance needs of corporate clients and maintaining a secure work environment. 
  • Scalability and Flexibility: As Railside expands, ezeep’s cloud-based infrastructure scales effortlessly, supporting additional locations and increasing the overall efficiency of the coworking space. This flexibility is crucial for accommodating a growing and diverse member base. 

Real-Life Impact 

During a recent severe weather event, Railside opened its doors to local businesses affected by tornadoes, providing free access to coworking facilities. Jason emphasized how ezeep facilitated quick and efficient onboarding of new members, allowing them to print essential documents and continue their operations without interruption. This real-life demonstration of ezeep’s capabilities underscores its value in maintaining business continuity and supporting community resilience. 

Embrace the Future with ezeep and Railside 

Railside’s success story, powered by ezeep, exemplifies the future of coworking spaces—where technology simplifies operations, enhances security, and fosters a collaborative community. Jason Robinson’s vision and dedication to integrating cutting-edge solutions like ezeep ensure that Railside remains a leader in the coworking industry.