Check Printing: How to Ensure Efficiency and Security

Check Printing with ezeep Blue

Despite the rise of digital payments, powered by companies such as PayPal and Stripe, checks (or cheques) remain a vital component of financial transactions for many businesses around the globe. However, the process of check printing can often be quite cumbersome. In this post we explore how to improve efficiency and security when printing checks.

The Current Landscape of Check Printing

Checks provide a tangible method for making payments, maintaining financial records, and managing cash flow. However, when working with checks, the landscape has it own challenges. Not least because many businesses find setting up check printing software to be complex and time-consuming. Furthermore, paper check fraud remains a significant issue, with businesses needing robust measures to prevent scams and unauthorized transactions.

Check Printing in Decline but Still Relevant

The use of checks has significantly declined over the past few decades, but still remains important to some businesses. According to the Federal Reserve, Americans wrote roughly 3.4 billion checks in 2022, down from nearly 19 billion checks in 1990.

Despite this decline, checks remain relevant in certain industries and regions. For example, in Europe, check printing is mostly popular in France, which accounted for half of all EU-based check transactions in 2019. Why? People still like the tangible nature of paper, and it is also a way to make payments, maintaining financial records, and managing cash flow without paying fees.

Industries Still Relying on Check Payments

According to consumer survey data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, certain industries continue to rely heavily on check payments:

  • Contractors: Electricians, plumbers, and other contractors receive 25% of their payments by check.
  • Charitable and Religious Organizations: These organizations receive 22% of their payments by check.
  • Landlords, Government Taxing Authorities, and Professional-Service Firms: These entities also receive double-digit percentages of their payments by check.

4 Ways How ezeep Blue Enhances Check Printing

We helped companies, such as Burgher Haggard, to ensure flexibility and reliability when printing checks. How? With our innovative print management solution ezeep Blue, which offers a comprehensive solution designed to address these challenges, making check printing simpler, more secure, and highly efficient. Here’s some of things we offer.

1.     Control Who Can Print

With ezeep Blue, you can control who has the authority to print checks via granular user management and authentication. This ensures that only authorized personnel can initiate print jobs, enhancing security and accountability within your organization.

2.     Control Where Jobs Go

Many companies have adopted a hybrid work environment post-COVID. When paying bills to clients, enterprises need a way to control where checks are printed. ezeep Blue supports these more complex workflows, allowing you to control where print jobs are sent. For example, an accountant can print checks from their home office to a remote location where someone else can sign the checks and mail them. This flexibility ensures that check printing can be handled efficiently, whether from the office or remotely.

3.      More Secure Check Printing with Release Printing

In office environments, ezeep Blue offers the option to secure print jobs with release printing. This means that checks are only printed when the user is physically present at the printer to release the job, adding an extra layer of security to the process.

4.     Broad Printer Compatibility and Automations

Finally, ezeep Blue supports practically any printer, ensuring seamless integration into your existing infrastructure. Additionally, ezeep offers an API and various integrations with workflow automation tools like Zapier and Make, allowing you to automate the printing of checks and other documents effortlessly.

Secure Your Finances with ezeep Blue Now

By offering a user-friendly, secure, and flexible platform, ezeep Blue empowers businesses to manage their finances with confidence and ease. Don’t let the complexities of check printing hold your business back. Embrace the future of print management with ezeep Blue and ensure your transactions are seamless and secure.