Over 2,800 Stores and Outlets Use Optimized Workflows from Warehouse to Checkouts.
When Aimee opens her store in the mornings and enjoys a coffee before the first customer arrives, she can rest assured that everything is ready to go. She remembers the days when she had to boot up the various computers first thing. If there were any problems, she had to wait in a helpdesk queue while the first customers waited anxiously at the counter. Nowadays, everything is far better. Even if she spilled her coffee, the new IT systems would not be affected.
That’s because today, systems in the cloud run with an availability she could only dream of in the past. Maintenance-free and virtually indestructible IGEL thin clients are the only end devices besides the printers. Bridging the gap between these two devices and the ezeep Blue Cloud is the embedded ezeep Blue app on the IGEL thin client, which communicates printer availability in the store to the ezeep Blue Cloud.
With ezeep Blue providing printing from the cloud, the entire process from order picking in the warehouse to customer contact in the retail store is seamless.
Thanks to the optimal support of the laser printers in the store with their multiple trays and, above all, duplex function, Aimee can provide its customers with extensive product information folders just as quickly and easily as quotations, collection dockets, or invoices.
More than ever before, customers are annoyed by long waiting times. Thanks to the ezeep Blue printing solution, these are kept to a minimum.
As soon as the customer accepts an offer in the store, Aimee can initiate retrieval in the warehouse with a single click. Zebra label printers are available in the warehouse for this purpose.
They connect to the ezeep Blue Cloud via the ezeep Hub printing appliance. Both pieces of hardware fully withstand the harsher climate conditions in the warehouse. The Zebra label printers defined in the ezeep Blue Cloud are then addressable from the Azure Virtual Desktops in the cloud.
Highly delicate desktop systems are no longer an issue. If the customer chooses home delivery, the Zebra label printer immediately prints out the appropriate shipping label.
If a customer decides to pick up the goods themselves, then the Zebra label printer creates a label that shows the order picker the appropriate shelf location and links the product to the customer’s order ID. This ensures that the goods are usually ready when the customer arrives at the warehouse.
Even though Aimee deals with many more customers today than she did a few years ago, with the support of a perfect system, she can concentrate on what she enjoys most, providing personal advice to the customer.
ezeep Blue streamlines and improve productivity in leading retail and logistics companies worldwide with its unique cloud-based printing technology